Sydney Tower Eye Tickets & Passes

Find the best deals for Sydney Tower passes and activities right here. For any visitor or local, Sydney Tower Eye is a must-do activity with a must-see view from highest point above Sydney. See the 360-degree panoramic views of the city, the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Blue Mountains. For the more adventurous, the Sydney Skywalk will take you on a guided walk outside the top of the tower harnessed to an external platform. Step out on the glass walkway to truly experience the thrill of Sydney’s highest tower! If you’d rather just relax and enjoy wining and dining at the top of the world, levels 81and 82 host SkyFeast and Infinity revolving restaurants for an unforgettable culinary and visual experience, open for lunch and dinner for spectacular day or city lights dining views. Choose your tour and tickets right here, including the option to buy a deluxe ticket combining multiple other Sydney attractions with Sydney Tower Eye.

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Sydney Attractions Pass - 4 Attractions
Sydney Attractions Pass - 4 Attractions by Merlin Entertainments Group

Save money in Sydney with this great value voucher. This is the best value pass for visiting Sydney's attractions with 4 great attractions included!

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Sydney Attractions Pass - 3 Attractions
Sydney Attractions Pass - 3 Attractions by Merlin Entertainments Group

Combine 3 of Sydney's favourite attractions in the one price and save! Mix and match and choose to visit any 3 of these great attractions at one low price!

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Sydney Attractions Pass - 2 Attractions
Sydney Attractions Pass - 2 Attractions by Merlin Entertainments Group

Combine 2 of Sydney's favourite attractions in the one price and save! Mix and match and choose from 4 Sydney attractions at one low price!

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