Love movies? Then you'll love HOYTS E-Vouchers - the fastest and most convenient way to see movies.
Each HOYTS E-Voucher is redeemable for one general admission ticket.
- Valid nationwide
- Redeemable for one (1) general admission ticket
- Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
- Can be used for DBOX, 3D, and Xtremescreen with an upgrade fee
- Not valid on Public holidays
- Valid Mon to Thurs only
- Not valid for Alternate or Special Events
- Cannot be upgraded to HOYTS LUX, Daybed, special or group event sessions
- Cannot be used to purchase 3D glasses, pre-paid vouchers, or memberships
- Cannot be exchanged for cash
- No refund or replacement if lost, stolen, or damaged
- Cannot be used with any other offer
- Seats not guaranteed and subject to availability
Additional Information
Terms And Conditions
- This voucher must be exchanged or redeemed at the Box Office, Candy Bar, or the HOYTS app. Seats are not guaranteed and subject to availability. Book your tickets in advance via the HOYTS Website or app to secure seats. For session times, locations and full terms and conditions visit
- Voucher is not redeemable at affiliated cinemas in Australia (see website for more details).
- Voucher is not exchangeable for cash and change will not be given irrespective of cinema pricing.
- Seats are not guaranteed, and subject to availability.
- Book your tickets in advance via the HOYTS Website or app to secure seats.
Cancellation Policy
Valid until the expiry date indicated on the voucher and cannot be exchanged, extended or replaced.