Love movies? Then you'll love DENDY e-Vouchers – the fastest and most convenient way to see movies.
Each DENDY e-Voucher is redeemable for one general admission ticket for any session.
- Valid at Dendy Cinemas in ACT, NSW, and QLD
- Adult eVoucher - Redeemable for one (1) standard admission ticket
- Child eVoucher - Redeemable for one (1) standard admission ticket for children under 15
- Student Ticket - Redeemable for one (1) standard admission ticket for students
- Valid for approx. 4-6 months from the date of purchase
- Valid anytime except exclusions
- Not valid for special events, festivals, DENDY Arts, DENDY Lounge or Premium Lounge
- Cannot be used to purchase 3D glasses, pre-paid vouchers, or memberships
- Cannot be exchanged for cash
- No refund or replacement if lost, stolen, or damaged
- Cannot be used with any other offer
- Seats not guaranteed and subject to availability
Additional Information
Terms And Conditions
- Voucher is not redeemable at affiliated cinemas in Australia (see website for more details)
- Voucher is not exchangeable for cash and change will not be given irrespective of cinema pricing
- Seats are not guaranteed, and subject to availability
- Book your tickets in advance via the DENDY Website or Boxoffice to secure seats. Online fees may apply
- For session times, locations and full terms and conditions visit
- Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time
Cancellation Policy
- Valid until the expiry date indicated on the voucher and cannot be exchanged, extended or replaced or exchanged for cash